Your Wedding Fitness Questions: By The Wedding Coach - Eternity

Your Wedding Fitness Questions: By The Wedding Coach

7th December 2023

As the excitement of wedding planning unfolds, couples often find themselves immersed in a whirlwind of decisions, from selecting the perfect venue to choosing the ideal colour palette. Amidst the chaos, there’s one aspect that sometimes takes a back seat – wedding fitness. Enter Mezz and Rachel, a dynamic duo of fitness enthusiasts and wedding wellness experts, ready to guide couples on their journey to a healthier and happier union.

In our candid conversation with Mezz and Rachel, we delved into the most pressing questions couples have about wedding fitness. From fitting workouts into hectic schedules to debunking common fitness myths, our experts left no stone unturned.

Have a read as we talk all things wedding workouts & wedding fitness.

THE BEST PART? Mezz & Rachel are online virtual coaches. Regardless of where you are based in the world, they can help you on your journey.

RELATED: Namita’s Incredible Pre-Wedding Fitness Journey With Mezz & Rachel

SAY 'I DO' To a healthier you

YOU ASKED: What is a realistic timeline before seeing results after changing my diet / fitness plan?

Results are always dependent on how bigger change you’re making to your lifestyle, how often you’re managing to exercise and adhere to nutritional changes.

Our clients tend to see changes pretty early, some dropping weight instantly, others noting changes in bloating, sleep, energy and fitness.

YOU ASKED: How often do we checkin on progress?

We offer daily reports in our service to keep a close relationship and eye on clients progress to keep them accountable and progresssing as quickly as possible. We have a monthly progress review and reset of programme.

YOU ASKED: Do I need equipment for our workout plans?

Ideally yes. We do have affordable equipment we recommend. You can get results without but always faster, better results with.

YOU ASKED: Does working out help reduce bloating?

Yes. Movement helps aid digestion, plus we work closely with your nutrition to help identify foods that could be causing this and reducing inflammation through a healthier diet.

YOU ASKED: Does my wedding diet stop me from eating out often?

No. We offer a holistic and flexible service to factor in your lifestyle. We help plan around eating out and social events whilst getting results.

YOU ASKED: I enjoy some workout exercises more than others, can we incorporate those in?

Yes absolutely. We educate you around the type of exercises that are effective for your goals but also want you to enjoy your workouts.

YOU ASKED: Do you offer group sessions / couple sessions?

We offer a community group for challenges and support plus couples discounts.

YOU ASKED: Do you assist with improving posture & stance in the lead up to the wedding?

Yes absolutely. We coach our clients to feel incredible for their wedding and work on any areas they are struggling with personally. Incorporating the right training programme will naturally improve this.

YOU ASKED: How do I maintain my existing weight & size but tone in different places?

Weight training. Weight training allows you to keep or enhance shape and give movement to sculpt your body the way you’d like it.

YOU ASKED: If I achieve a certain weight / body before my dress trial, do you help sustain that or reduce it before my wedding?

Our programme is based around sustainability. We don’t believe in quick fixes so our goal is always to get you the fantastic results you desire, then teach you how to maintain these long term.

YOU ASKED: What is the most popular wedding exercise that your clients follow?

There’s no set exercise plan. Everything we set it tailored personally to the client and what they need to reach their desired results. Resistance training will always be incorporated in every plan.

YOU ASKED: Should I be working out on the week of my wedding?

This is purely up to you and what you can manage. Ideally yes but we have brides that haven’t.

YOU ASKED: Can these workouts be done alongside pilates?

Yes of course. Our programme is holistic so we work closely with your activity, training, nutrition, mindset and keep you accountable.

YOU ASKED: What is the average time commitment per week / per day?

Dependant on your lifestyle and goals. Our programme is tailored specifically to you.

YOU ASKED: What is the minimum time that I can start a wedding workout?

Starting your journey as early as possible is always going to get you optimal results. Rather reach your desired goals early than having to go to extremes before your wedding.

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